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Tragic Incident in Delhi: 7-Year-Old Succumbs to Injuries Caused by Stray Chinese Manjha

July 20, 2023

7-year-old girl tragically lost her life after her throat was slit by a stray Chinese manjha in Delhi. The innocent child, whose identity has not been disclosed, was playing in the vicinity when the fatal mishap took place. The hazardous kite string, commonly known as Chinese manjha, known for its sharp and dangerous properties, inflicted severe injuries on the young girl, leading to her untimely demise.

Local authorities and concerned citizens have long been raising awareness about the dangers of Chinese manjha and its potential to cause life-threatening injuries. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the urgent need for stricter regulations and measures to curb the use and sale of such hazardous materials.

Delhi Police have initiated an investigation to ascertain the source and origin of the deadly kite string. They are determined to hold those responsible accountable for their negligence, which led to the loss of an innocent life.

While the bereaved family is left grappling with unimaginable grief, this tragedy should serve as a clarion call for immediate action. The authorities must implement stringent measures to ban the production, sale, and use of dangerous kite strings, ensuring the safety of children and communities.

As the nation mourns the loss of yet another innocent life due to the menace of Chinese manjha, it is crucial for all stakeholders to come together and work towards preventing such accidents in the future. Awareness campaigns, education, and strict enforcement of regulations will be vital steps towards safeguarding our children and making our cities safer for all.

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